Fishing Report 09-18-2021
The Cumberland has been fishing well. Netting a lot of small fish with some 18s in the mix. Flys: Pheasant Tales, Princes, Soft Hackles and Zebras all have been working well.
The premier fly fishing guide service for the Cumberland river.
The Cumberland has been fishing well. Netting a lot of small fish with some 18s in the mix. Flys: Pheasant Tales, Princes, Soft Hackles and Zebras all have been working well.
Fishing on the Cumberland has been fantastic this spring. The upper section of the river has had the best fishing all spring. Traditional flys are working well, Princes, Phesent Tails and Zebras. I have netted several big fish for clients, so check out all of my pictures on face book when you get a chance.
The river is still fishing good. I had out Jeff and Dean who were in the right lanes all day long and they caught some huge bows. It was great to have them out, making some new friends and having a blast. Fly selection: phesent tails, black tung teasers, and old faithful zebra midges.
Fishing has been solid for the last two weeks on the Cumberland!! Many fish over 17inches and what a blast it has been for me and my clients. Flys: Tung teaser’s and Phesent tails have been working well. The river has been getting fished hard everyday so get out while the fishing is still good.
I started a face book page and have been posting fishing reports and photos there. You can still use the web sight to contact me or get trip information! Yes fishing has been great!!
I had Tim and his son Michael out today and I was wishing I was in the front seat a few times. Unfortunately we ran out of time, but several nice fish that day. Flys Pheasant tails and zebra midges.
I had Jeff and Eric out today and we had a nice day on the river. The generation schedule was not the best, but we still were able to net some nice fish. Flys: Pheasant tails, Prince nymphs and zebra midges.